- Donated immediate food relief to the Chepang people
- Issued blankets, food, landslide relief to Gulmi
During the visit in May 2007 and a subsequent visit on October 2007 a five year action plan was implemented. The following tasks are planned:
Due to the earthquakes in 2015 further projects were started and completed
A further visit to Nepal was undertaken to reassure the school governors and villagers of Ashrang that the UK charity was being established and future help was planned. The small team also saw at first hand the progress made already by witnessing the complete renovation of one classroom and saw the local builders working hard making new classroom benches and tables. This was made possible by donations from raffles held prior to this visit.
Twelve interested volunteers travelled to Kathmandu on the 3rd May 2007 for a nine day visit. After experiencing the culture and religious diversity of Kathmandu and visiting the children of CEN, they embarked upon a long and arduous trip to the village of Ashrang, some two and a half hours off road from the nearby town of Ghorka, ancestral home of the British Army Ghurkas. The visit started with a welcome by over a thousand villagers and schoolchildren. The mission culminated in an undertaking by the team to try and establish a UK charity to provide direct help to CEN.
During September 2006, two of the CENUK trustees visited Nepal and were introduced to Mr Sagar Pandey, Chairman of Child Environment Nepal (CEN), Kathmandu. CEN is a registered Nepalese Charity (1122259) and is a non-government, non-profit organisation (NGO). After many hours of discussions and visiting the children of CEN, the trustees asked how they could possibly help the children of CEN and in particular, support their education. A promise was made that during 2007, the trustees would return, accompanied by friends and colleagues to explore the needs of the children of Ashrang Village, Ghorka in addition to re-visiting the children of CEN.